
You can get in touch with the developer & user community in any of the following ways:

  • Bug reports and feature requests: first read, then check out our GitHub page.

  • Blog posts:

  • Twitter: you’ve got a few options here:

    • @bitprophet is the canonical source for updates, but is also the developer’s personal account (hint: you can turn off retweets and only see original content!)

    • @pyfabric is a much lower-traffic, announcement-only account that also serves the Fabric project; given how much Fabric is built directly on top of Invoke, many of the posts will be relevant to Invoke-only users.

    • @pyinvoke was set up for Invoke-specific announcements, but it only has a dozen followers so we’ve unfortunately let it languish. Should we automate our release process further, this account may get posts again, and we’ll update this page accordingly.